Operation Mind Control: Our Secret Government’s War Against Its Own People by Walter H. Bowart (PDF)
FOR OVER 25 YEARS THE C.I.A. HAS BEEN DEVELOPING A TECHNOLOGY OF TERROR! Its Purpose: "to devise operational techniques to dis¬ turb the memory, to discredit people through aberrant behavior, to alter sex patterns, to elicit information and to create emotional independence" Its Goal: "to program individuals to carry out any mission of espionage or assassination, even against their will...even against such fundamental laws of nature as self- preservation" NOW... against a background of more than 2,000 C.I.A. documents, and 1,200 pages of testimony OPERATION MIND CONTROL tells the story of our hidden government's "failures" — those people who, despite "memory smudging" techniques can still recall and relate the shocking details of their experience. EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD KNOW WHAT IS IN THIS BOOK!

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